Website Sitemap
Women's Development Cell

Women's Development Cell

College Women's Development Cell CWDC :

The Internal Complaints Committee was set up in People’s Education Society in March 2013 under the Constitution of Internal Complaints committees under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013)


The CWDC shall consist of

  • The principal of the college shall be the ex-officio President of the Cell. Dr. Yashodhara Varale
  • Two members from the teaching staff of the college/institution shall be nominated by the Principal, of whom at least one member shall be a woman. One of the women teaching staff members shall be the Convener of the CWDC and shall be nominated by the Principal. Prof.Priti Dahotre
  • One woman member of the non-academic staff in the college/institution and shall be nominated by the Principal. Mrs.Kajal Gaikawad
  • One woman representative from an NGO nominated by the Principal. Adv.swati Pawar.
  • At least one of the members shall be a person representing from SC/ST/DT/NT/SBC/OBC and shall be nominated by the Principal. (Prajakta Mandlekar )
  • One representative from the Students’ Council, who is the women’s representative on the Council for that year and shall be nominated by the Principal. (Sudha Yadav )